
So, after years of begging, grovelling, and whatnot, Lucasfilm is publishing a new Monkey Island game. Well, actually, they’re publishing the original game, remastered, and allowing Telltale Games (those fun guys who brought you Strong Bad’s Cool Game For Attractive People With A Really Long Title) to publish a new monkey island game, but anyway, they both seem to have the right voice actors. Hopefully Murray will put in a appearance in the new MI series as well – there are going to be 5 of them, in monthly increments, just like the Strong Bad games. We’ll see if they manage to keep the humor value MI is so famous for – in any case, I’ll definately buy copies. (Among other things, I’ve already mastered the art of getting Telltale Games to run, since I played SBCGFAPWART)

I’ve discovered this since I am for some reason unable to sleep at the moment. It’s getting a bit frustrating.

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