Looks like another perfect day… I love LA!

(and Randy Neumann too!)

One of the twighlight zone things about having submitted myself to the machinations of the modern psychological machine is that I can now think about my emotional states in one level of removal – kind of like I now have meta-emotions. Like, today I was depressed and wanted to sleep all the time, although of course I didn’t because I have to work or else I’ll only plunge further into debt, which can not possibly be good.

But, I do love it here. I’m already looking forward to the weekend, and it’s only weds.

And I love my love lobster. (I got a giant stuffed lobster – bright red – with a heart that says ‘Love Lobster’ – for Christmas. I think it’s my favorite Christmas gift this year)

(I really like stuffed animals. I wonder if this means I’m a meta-furry?)

Hm. My day of the word is meta.


2 Responses to “Looks like another perfect day… I love LA!”

  1. cori_chronicles Says:

    I still want to see a picture of you and Kahn! I think that’s his name.

  2. skotte Says:

    My word of the word is meta.

    My meta of the meta is meta.


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