Hidden porn on your computer? You’re going to hell!
SO I’ve seen about the five millionth pop under ad asking if I have hidden porn files on my computer. No, thank you, the porn on my computer is well labelled and stuck in a drawer called ‘porn’ in a logical place on the network where just about anyone who knew me at all could find it.
No, seriously, why would you care if you had hidden porn on your computer? Unless you were running out of disk space, that is..
I can come up with two conclusions.
1) The paranoid sheer conclusion: Bush et al are about to make net porn illegal. The day afterwords, the cops will storm the houses of all suspected of having porn, and bust them.
Hrm. That doesn’t make any sense
2) The christian god has decreed that you’re going to hell if you have hidden porn that you didn’t know about on your computer.
Aside from the fact that I’ve not seen anything in the bible that suggests the christian god could give one shit one way or another over whether you have naked pictures of other people [as long as you don’t covet them ;-)], this does rather sound like his methodology. Has just the right nuttiness level to it.
Life is misery. Any time you get ahead in happiness, look out, the payback’s gonna be a bitch. I mean, it’s rigged this way. Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me?
My SO contends that no one will mourn the human race when it’s gone in a puff of greasy smoke, which will be, if all signs and portents are right, in about a year, give or take. [That’s how long it’ll take this whole iraq thing to boil up to nuclear proportions].
My ghost will mourn it.
I so don’t have anything worth saying right now. I’m just writing because it seems more painless to write than not to write. And I’m waiting for the mac+cheese to finish cooking, and I already changed the porch light.
Trick or treat.
October 31st, 2002 at 10:24 am
You doofus, those ads are meant to appeal to the significant other of the person’s computer they are planning to scan. E.G., the Traditional Person thinks Personal Porn is a Bad Thing, and Most People also do not tell their Loving Wives that they are Consumers of said Pornography because they don’t want to be Yelled At. Now one could write this off as simple Taste on the part of the Loving Wife, as most Pornography is fairly Crude and Unappealing, but the truth is it’s mostly Jealousy. E.G. Why Do You Need Porn When You Have Me?
(a purely Rhetorical Question).
Get the picture?
I take it you are implying that you were previously happy and this is the payback? Forgive me, but I’m highly dubious.
And identify me with my username. I take full credit for my cynicism, and am fairly proud of it. And, besides which, I am not your “significant other.” I am not an Other. I am Me, aka someone with a name (three of them), a social security number, ten toes, and all those other things that render me discrete.
And the world’s not going to blow up in a year. Don’t be melodramatic. It’s bad for you.
November 1st, 2002 at 2:09 am
this is all I have to say about that
November 1st, 2002 at 3:12 am
parents of kids or kids with parents…
I’ve noticed that percived problems often scale with a person (ie. someone who is living from paycheck to paycheck.. has a similar percived level of problemes as people who are realy well off..) I think this has to do with the need in alot of peoples lives for stress to be a motivator.. shrugs.. however, I don’t belive life is misery… and life is not rigged unless you rig it to be rigged somehow.. (or someone else exerts some form of control somehow I guess)…
btw I’ve gotta agree with brassratgirl.. one year is a a bit melodramatic… we’ve got atleast 370 days.. 🙂
Your New HO!!
hey.. get that thought out of your head.. I’m a home owner now silly 😉