October 7th, 2004I was sent to outer space
To find another happy place
Now I’m left here all alone
A million miles away from home
Floating through the galaxy
All these stars in front of me
Now I’m left here all alone
A million miles away from home
I need more cowbell 😉
I love you till the sky falls down..
October 7th, 2004Well, I guess after the physical symptoms go away, then there’s the depression to deal with. Fair enough.
Right now I feel like I just need to go lie down, but my boss is here and cracking the whip.. perhaps I should stop listening to things like ‘Sky falls down’ before this gets to be too much.
We set up one of the 1801s in the basement last night for our recording session.. oh, my god.. I (heart) my new sound system. The bass is sooo tight.. I can’t wait to see what Fluffy is like with _six_ of them.
Dissapearing generators..
October 7th, 2004Okay, so, background – I loaned out my generator (which was a Porter-cable H1000 – 10kW) to a group of people for burning man.
Later I learned this group of people is known as ‘Bad Vibes Crew’. (having something to do with ‘Chickenhead’) Somehow this alone unnerved me..
I had one of the people sign a peice of paper that said they were responsable for replacement or repair of the generator if anything happened to it.
Now it has apparently gone missing. I say apparently because I’m still not convinced they didn’t sell it to buy drugs.. or are holding onto it for powering their next event..
And I’m sad, because I know this will damage my trust in a lot of people, even people who didn’t have anything to do with this incident. Of course, for them, it’s mission accomplished! They’ve spread bad vibes, which, ostensibly, is what they exist to do.
I think.. and I can’t be absolutely certain.. that one of them was responsable for my hazing at The Spot / Club Fusion / whatever else it’s been called. Anyway, I know that they enjoy doing things that other people might find obnoxious or unpleasent, because they talked about how they used the generator at Burning Man to play a song on repeat play for 3 days. I understand that I have no idea what burning man is like, and that it’s nothing like I imagine it, and that this is possibly normal there.. but still..
I’m not used to not liking people.. but I don’t like them.
And I’m wondering if my trust settings for other people are correct.. and that’s scaring me too..
I’m starting to feel like saying ‘Screw Humanity’ and going off to be a hermit.
I suppose I should drive by their house and take a look at the scene of the crime, as it were.
October 6th, 2004At this point, it’s very likely that Fluffy Bunny is happening. I’ve booked the space, made arrangements for the CD duplication, lined up a crew, arranged to borrow equipment, and I’m ordering flyers tomorrow.
I’ve wanted to do this for *years*.. takin’ it back to the raves of my childhood.. back when raver wasn’t a dirty word, a party would never have more than a few hundred people, and often would cost less than a meal at the local fast-food place. Ah, nostalgia. I’ve lined up a great set of DJs, and I have no doubt that they will rock my socks off..
And, I no longer think only 12 people will show up. Probably because when
I’m excited, I admit it. My very own fluffy trance party.. *dances around*
October 5th, 2004
You are one of the few out there whose wings are
truly ANGELIC. Selfless, powerful, and
divine, you are one blessed with a certain
cosmic grace. You are unequalled in
peacefulness, love, and beauty. As a Being of
Light your wings are massive and a soft white
or silver. Countless feathers grace them and
radiate the light within you for all the world
to see. You are a defender, protector, and
caretaker. Comforter of the weak and forgiver
of the wrong, chances are you are taken
advantage of once in awhile, maybe quite often.
But your innocence and wisdom sees the good in
everyone and so this mistreatment does not make
you colder. Merciful to the extreme, you will
try to help misguided souls find themselves and
peace. However not all Angelics allow
themselves to be gotten the better of – the
Seraphim for example will be driven to fighting
for the sake of Justice and protection of those
less powerful. Congratulations – and don’t ever
change – the world needs more people like you.
Image Copyright Sheila Wolk (prints available
through treefreegreetings.com) – words added by
*~*~*Claim Your Wings – Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla
A light in the dark..
October 4th, 2004First of all, the basic facts. I agreed last month to do sound for a rave in a old train tunnel – some would quibble with the word ‘rave’, but I continue to use the word ‘rave’ to describe it and ‘raver’ to describe myself, just like I continue to use the word ‘hack’ to describe what I often do to computers and ‘hacker’ to describe myself – if you let people co-opt words and give them negative connotations, they’ll walk all over the english language. 😉 Or so I see it.
Anyway, so, train tunnel, party.. now, as some of you may know, my ex-SO of 5 years found someone else last week, and I was thoroughly freaked by it. I thought I was ready for it, but my body reacted forcefully and without bounderies. I was unable to sleep for days, and when I did sleep, I would only get like one hour. So I had averaged a hour of sleep a night for the last week, and was seriously freaking. But, I’d committed to do this party, people were counting on me.. and, I felt like it would be good for me, maybe break me of a cycle that was threatening to rip me apart..
So, Friday I loaded up the van and drove out there with Jesiah. The rest of the crew didn’t show up for many hours, which we spent carrying things in.. but eventually everyone made it and we got the system set up and I played some happy trance on it (and enjoyed it rather muchly) and they played some dark trance on it (and I enjoyed *that* rather muchly too, for the first hour at least..) and in general all was good.
We had discussed, prior to the event, and decided that a array of six 450s.. two at the very front, two 20′ back, and two 40′ back, would maintain a good stereo image throughout the tunnel. We had originally thought we would bring one 1801, but I ended up bringing two.. one probably would have been enough, though. The speaker configuration had the desired effect.. the sound stayed good throughout the whole dance floor, mostly.
I still think we should have kept the speakers closer togeather, because they were placed such that there was starting to be some blur by the time you got to the end of a array.. but, it still sounded good. The accoustics in the place are, well, incredible..
Anyway, back to my story.
Friday night, I drove home, got three hours of sleep and woke up feeling awful and one step away from freaking out totally again. Many things delayed my return to the space.. traffic problems, problems hooking up with Jesiah, and whatnot.. but get there I did, with all the important bits & peices.
A lot of the night was very transcendant and multilayered for me. I have a tendancy to wander towards spirituality when I’m suffering from sleep deprived insanity, and I have no doubt that i was way, way, way over my sleep budget.
I won’t try to explain a lot of that here.. I’ll make a private post about it, or maybe a friends-only if you all are genuinely curious.. but.. there were just many different layers to the whole experience.
Finally, the sun rose, the generator ran out of gas, and we retreated to the cars for a couple hours of sleep before strike.. Tory and Jamie had slept earlier in the night, so they tore down a bunch of the sound system while we were sleeping, but it still took many hours to get it back out of the tunnel.. my body was beyond sore and beyond exhausted. Everyone else went to eat afterwords and then to have a decompression party, but I went straight home, slept for a bit until Jessie & Co got here, unloaded the van.. and then slept for another, much longer bit. Which brings us up to now..
Am I okay now? I can’t really tell. I’m a bit sore.. (I’m starting to understand why people might get a full body massage.. ) .. I’ve had a couple of little moments-o-panic, but nothing unmanagable. I feel much saner and better balanced after sleeping. I’m *hungry*.. I think maybe I’ll make some spagetti..
I will say I am *never* driving home as tired as I was last night again. Not that I almost fell asleep.. luckily, I don’t do that.. but that I felt so far removed from the road and the drive that I feel I must have been somewhat unsafe.. and my reaction time was *awful*. 3/10ths of a second, I’d guess. I left like four car-lengths whenever I could to compensate, but..
I read somewhere that your chances of being in a accident go up 30% after a severe emotional stress. I don’t know if this recent event counts as ‘severe’ or not.. by my lights, it does.. but anyway, I can see why.
Back safe
October 4th, 2004Back safe.
More later.
October 2nd, 2004all my manual labor in setup earned me 3 horus of sleep.
3 hours.
This just isn’t fair.
Anyway, the party is tonight, the web site is http://www.environmentalstructures.net/evt/alitd.html , and the sound system is soundin’ GOOD. Of course, I thought it osunded best with the happy fluffy trance I was playin’, but I’m guessing others will have different views. Anyway, it’s to be a electronic music orgy, with everything from psytrance to drum-n-bass to breaks to progressive..
All of you who don’t go, are missin’ out!
Just so you all know..
September 30th, 2004I’m okay. Still somewhat tired, and will likely go back to sleep soon, but okay.