Features a utopia should have
Tuesday, October 20th, 2020(Note: I’m talking a *real* utopia. Something we’d need significant technological improvements to implement on earth)
- Ability to wear any body (animal, human, etc)
- Ability to ‘share’ a body with one or more other occupants
- Ability to ‘melt’ – temporarily crosswire memories and/or decision trees in various combinations with other people
- “Flexible time” – ability to stop time for a participant until another participant wanted to do something with them
- “Conditional virginity” – the ability to temporarily forget having experienced something so you could experience it for the first time again
- Of course, pretty much every activity on earth, available in unlimited amounts
- The ability to control individual neurons and clusters of neurons, complete with a scripting language
- Ability to ‘matrix learn’ i.e. temporarily assign master knowledge for things you don’t want to have the long slow agonizing experience of learning. (Of course, it might not be possible to make the skill *yours* without learning it the slow way)
- Ability to learn the slow way, and to save having learned the slow way in different banks so you can develop multiple personalities, multiple musician styles, etc
- Lots of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. (Well, art in general. Music, video, kinesthetic, worlds you can visit)
- Unlimited budget, but protections against doing stupid things. (One friend of mine suggests the ultimate resource to conserve is quota of memory storage, a la Lambda)
- Ability to experience any work of fiction (film, movie, video game) as a immersive environment. (The holodeck, basically)
- Help with the interface, which I think perforce is going to have to be somewhat complex
- Ability to create immersive worlds
- Computer systems that can synthesize new works of art based on existing ones
- No need to worry about money, food, or shelter
- Lots of dogs. Ideally with no leashes or need of them, and ideally with us having the ability to communicate cross-species or at least natively understand communications
- Not a lot of restrictions based on what other people think are good art. Restrictions or at least help when interfacing with other people so no one gets hurt. Restrictions on work with simulations pretty much only limited to preventing people from hurting themselves too badly
- Unlimited amount of time
- Free will to use all of the above to drive the adventures one wants to see
I may update this post as I think of more.