Opposite of gratitude directed at Fender

Look.. guys.. let me spell it out for you. STOP ENGINEERING EVERY LAST PENNY OUT OF THE PRODUCT! You’re engineering away the shine, the reliability, the worth. Money isn’t worth it. You are selling your soul so your boss can drive a lambo that at some point will also be worthless because *their* engineers will make the same mistake.

Seriously.. this is a *guitar amp*, not a piece of bespoke stereo equipment that’s going to sit on the shelf somewhere. It’s going to get taken to bars, knocked over, have it’s instrument cable tripped over.. and that’s the world I *want* to live in. The one where all that happens, and the thing still works.

STOP IT WITH THE PLASTIC PCB 1/4″ FOR THE INSTRUMENT INPUT. I cannot POSSIBLY state this more clearly. Use a pigtail and a switchcraft jack. And a lock washer or two nuts while you’re at it.

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