I’m in a awkward position

I believe Christianity is a dangerous neurolinguistic virus that damages the people who believe in it. I wonder often, as I work on removing it from myself, should I be helping my friends who are also infected? And yet, they insist it is a great thing for them. So I don’t. But I know that had I been fully infected I would have insisted the same thing, because of fear of God.

Christianity is based around a threat. The core tenant is, believe.. and profess to believe.. that Jesus died for your sins.. or be tortured for all eternity. That’s a threat.

I could spend days and days listing all the unhealthy, life-denying, insanity-causing beliefs that are part of Christianity, but I won’t bother. It’s been done elsewhere, and better than I ever could. So instead I shall return to my day job.

One Response to “I’m in a awkward position”

  1. sheer_panic Says:

    And yet.. here’s the part that drives me the MOST nuts.. one of my biggest heros, Martin Luther King Jr, WAS A CHRISTIAN.

    Maybe I’m just a horrible person?

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