Forget checks and balances. Politics *needs* a ref.
Friday, November 29th, 2024I was talking about Mitch’s blatant cheating to pack the supreme court and someone on Quora pointed out that the Democrats started the move down the slippery slope with Harry Reid. Well, yes, okay.
It occurs to me that one thing politics needs very badly is a truly nonpartisan body that exists only to make sure that both sides (or all sides, if we could leave this two party stranglehold behind) follow the rules. Someone who can give a black card to Mitch – or to Pelosi – or to anyone who tries to tilt the playing field.
I’m not sure how this would work – it’s clear the people don’t care about fair play at all or they would never have elected Trump (of course, we don’t know that they did – one reason I wish we did have blockchain as one path of our voting process is we could test vote aggregation for honesty, something we cannot do now)