Archive for November, 2004

I survived fluffy bunny…

Sunday, November 7th, 2004

and all I got was this book.. 😉

Seriously, many things happened at F.B. – many good, many bad. I’ll write more later.

Saturday, November 6th, 2004

my house is full of spods, my car is full of CDs, and it’s time to *bump* that shiznit..

Fluffy bunny, here we go…


Friday, November 5th, 2004

so, no matter how depressed I feel today.. which is a pretty large quantitiy on the depressed-o-meter, I don’t know when I’ve felt this bad.. I really need to get off my ass, pick up the subwoofers, go get the CDs, figure out deco and how we’re getting into the building tomorrow and..

COme too far. Gotta finish up, gotta make it happen.


Friday, November 5th, 2004

After sleeping with the devil you’d love to close the book.. but you’ve gotta wonder how the baby’s gonna look

So I’m about at that point where I beg and plead for P. to come back to me. Which, of course, is a really pointless endevor.

I wonder what comes next in this ever changing roller coaster? I’m sorry I ever climbed on, I’ll say that much..


Thursday, November 4th, 2004

I admit that last post didn’t make a lot of sense. I knew what I was trying to say, but I didn’t do a very good job of saying it. In general, this election cycle has left me rather at a loss for words. Especially since I feel close to certain that Bush cheated, and that we’ll never even know about it. Look, I work on computers all day, every day.. and I wouldn’t trust a computer without a very, very, very, very good auditing system to record my vote, period. I especially wouldn’t trust one made by a company that Cheney has noticable amounts of stock in. I mean, we already know that lying – even to start a war – isn’t beneith these people. It looks like Cheney/Halliburton are going to get away with it cold..

Can’t we do *something*?

So yes, I’m still upset about this. It’s even made me several times momentarily forget missing P.

another friend of mine was chastizing me for not having set up a appointment with a counsoler yet.. and perhaps she’s right. But I don’t think anything but time is going to make this hurt any less. Until then, I’m sorry I’m no fun to be around..

okay, so..

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004

I guess we should have known that america hasn’t grown up enough yet to recognize that being the playground bully isn’t moral – she’s only 250 years old, and that’s pretty young for a country.

And we should have realized that she hasn’t grown up enough to accept that everyone is free to love in their own ways, and that gays should have as much right to be married as straights. Again, she’s still a kid. Give her time.

Our generation will be in power soon enough. In the meantime, we can watch our parents continue their intolerence and stupidity, and learn carefully what they’re doing wrong, and make sure that we manage to do better. People seem to turn republican as they grow older.. if we watch closely enough, we can avoid that process.

I think the reason people turn republican is that the world beats them down. One or ten or a hundred times too many having things go wrong kills their idealism, and leaves them thinking ‘every man for himself’ – since that is basically the republican mantra. (I equate being republican with being a asshole for some reason. maybe it’s because so many of them are.. so selfish that they don’t even notice driving their SUVS is killing off the rest of the world, leading to wars over oil, etc, so narrowminded that they can’t accept any viewpoint that isn’t within 5 degrees of their own..

So, in order to avoid turning republican, we have to avoid being beaten down. Every time something really bad happens to us, as individuals or as a country, we have to manage to stand up and say, ‘no, I will not let this dampen my spirits, or darken might light!’

While it is tempting to just give up on the US, and move elsewhere – very tempting, since Bush may very well start WWIII – to do so would be to allow myself to be beaten down. And that way leads to becoming a republican.


Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004

How can people have decided? Am I wrong? Is killing people and lying to start a war okay with the rest of the country?


Just when you think it can’t get any worse..

I’m no longer worried that no one will show..

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004

Now I’m starting to wonder what I do if more than 300 people show..

4 pages of posts on nwtekno. People I’ve never heard of in cities that are not seattle have heard of the event.

Next time we may have to rent a bigger place..

(and there will be a next time, unless it’s a utter disaster.)