Just so you all know..
Thursday, September 30th, 2004I’m okay. Still somewhat tired, and will likely go back to sleep soon, but okay.
I’m okay. Still somewhat tired, and will likely go back to sleep soon, but okay.
44 hours.. can we do 48?
I’d really, really like off this ride now..
Amazing how powerful our minds are.. especially when they turn on us.
Can’t sleep. Brain stuck in loop. Taken enough nyquil to drop horse. Still can’t sleep. Not concious exactly either.
You all know you want to come.
Feeling seriously unwell today. Not sure why.
Must find my SQL server disks.
Any of you all who are feeling *really* nice might post a link to www.mischiefcommittee.org in your journals, so that we’ll get pagerank points. If you like, I’ll set up a Fans page which links back to you in turn 😉
I’d like to get onto page 2. That’s my goal. 😉
Just in order to give it some PageRank points, Eben’s radio station is at www.radioalchymy.com. She does conspiricy-theory stuff in the Art Bell stripe..
And some of it might even be true. 😉
Coming soon: Studio tracks!
So I had completely forgotten about MC’s recording session tonight.. but no big deal. We got a lot done on ‘Depleted Uranium’ – this track is going to be _insane_ – I’m thinking of having Patti #2 [Henceforth referred to as Rickshaw Patti to avoid confusion.. I think that’s her name.. I’m so bad with names] do the vocals. Yes, it’s going to have vocals! Tory is letting me write the words, and of course, with a title like depleted uranium you know they’re going to be .. hm.. interesting. I’ll post the first draft sometime..
But, in the meantime, we got a lot done, and we had a short jam session afterwords in which we made some serious progress towards adding ‘Don’t fear the reaper’ to our covers repitoire.. which I think would be FUNNY as anything. Especially since Alex is going to get a actual, real cowbell to play on stage, and we’re going to try and find a copy of the SNL cowbell skit, and grab some samples…
In the meantime, I talked to a person who is going to do our costumes, maybe. Our costumes, for those of you not in the know:
me: white gandalf robe lined with blue glow wire, blue felt pointy hat with fiber-optic designs that flash to the MIDI beat.
Tory: Mad scientists coat, ‘Doc Brown’ style glasses lined with glow wire.
Alex: Day-glo double-breasted suit lined with white glow wire, sceptre (think Ruby Rohd) that pulses to the MIDI beat
It’s gonna be great. Doubt if we’ll have them done by the CD release party, but I expect we’ll have them before our show on the 30th..
I’ve never been in a band with costumes, and a logo before. (much less a CD! ;-))
Also, Tory is going to do Karioke with me sometime, and do ‘don’t fear the reaper’. (if it’s not available in kareoke-disk form, we’ll just record the backing tracks to our version.. I mean, hey, why not? ;-))
Other plans: Making ‘wheels-of-autumn’ style lighter-stickers with our web site and our logo on them.
Mischief Managed.
According to http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,133214,00.html , vote results for the 30 states that are using the new Diebold touch screens will be tabulated using a VBA app written inside MS Access.
Let’s review. Your future is dependant on MS Access. The audit logs are *easy* to delete. The database is so secure that I could hack it in a few minutes, typing with my nose!
The future of our country is going to be decided by Access database?
Please, tell me I’m having a bad dream here..