At this point, it’s very likely that Fluffy Bunny is happening. I’ve booked the space, made arrangements for the CD duplication, lined up a crew, arranged to borrow equipment, and I’m ordering flyers tomorrow.
I’ve wanted to do this for *years*.. takin’ it back to the raves of my childhood.. back when raver wasn’t a dirty word, a party would never have more than a few hundred people, and often would cost less than a meal at the local fast-food place. Ah, nostalgia. I’ve lined up a great set of DJs, and I have no doubt that they will rock my socks off..
And, I no longer think only 12 people will show up. Probably because when
I’m excited, I admit it. My very own fluffy trance party.. *dances around*
October 6th, 2004 at 1:06 pm
dude!! I wanna go!! I wonder how much plane tickets are! 🙂 .. I doubt I could take time off again that soon … sounds fun though!!!
October 6th, 2004 at 1:41 pm
dood, it will go down in history. 😀