More ranting about the for-sale nature of American elections and justice

So, we all know that things like Citizens United should never have been allowed to happen, and we’ve all seen how America has slowly turned into something that works for the billionares far better than for the rest of us.

However, one thing that strikes me as extra cynical is that over and over I get political ads which imply that the way one wins elections is money, that if we spend less than our opponent the election is lost. These same emails always ask me to “chip in” – even though often teh candidate asking me for money is nowhere near my district and sometimes when I dig into them they have absolutely zero chance of winning.

I really hate the phrase “chip in” at this point. I know it’s intended to be emotionally manipulative, to make me feel like I am not doing my part if I don’t send money to everyone.

One Response to “More ranting about the for-sale nature of American elections and justice”

  1. Firesong Says:

    Totally agree. So many messages saying the same things over and over, asking for money, telling me how many times they’ve asked me. Like yeah, I know — that’s the problem. They get my *vote*. That’s it.

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