Archive for June, 2002

Stand And Deliver, Mr. Mister

Monday, June 3rd, 2002

No, this isn’t a romantic song for me – although it could be. Rather, it’s a song for getting back ‘up’.

Some people hate and expect affection
Some people lie and demand the truth
I gotta ask myself if it’s all deception
Is this a natural thing that we all just do?

We take such pleasure from pain
I’m just tired of playing that game
Some things you’ve got to change

You’ve got to stand and deliver
With your body and soul
Stand and deliver
Just give me something to hold
Stand and deliver
If the truth can be told
We can make it togeather
If we stand, stand and deliver

Some times my mind drives me to distraction
I want to shut all the windows and lock the doors
But every time I get a little bit of satisfaction
I see the walls come tumbling to the floor

I know in this life you’ve gotta stand up for what feels right
Each day and every night
You’ve got to stand and deliver
With your body and soul
stand and deliver
Just give me something to hold
Stand and deliver
If the truth can be told
We can make it togeather
If we stand and deliver
stand and deliver


Sunday, June 2nd, 2002

Okay, I’m over the breif angst fit, I think.

And did two more segments of the evparts web site, besides.

Saturday, June 1st, 2002

Maybe I should start maintaing a private journal where I can write down what I actually think about everything.

The fact that I would need a private journal to do same bothers me. I always wanted to operate in the open – but it seems like I’m always upsetting somebody.

Pondering ‘The policy of truth’.

I don’t know. I just want to curl up and whimper, but I also know that that will just piss off P. who wants me to be happy, dammit. Or at least pretend.



Back to work demacizing

Anyone want to trade lives with me?

Saturday, June 1st, 2002

What Type of Villain are You? /


I think my life has too much drama in it. Or something. Every once in a while I suspect that people are trying to mess with my head.

I’ll get over it.

Long time no update

Saturday, June 1st, 2002

Well, it’s been a while since I set fingers to keyboard to pen my thoughts. Mostly, I’ve been too busy to breathe, with the mk3, the linuxizing of the mac web site, personal problems galore, and things of that nature.

But, I’m still out here, still doing my thing, whatever exactly that is.

Radio silence from me, if you’re a friend of mine, just means that I’m experiencing depression and don’t wish to pass it on.
